26 Ekim 2010 Salı

Trying to exorcise the ghosts

Pazar günü hiç gereksiz yere yumuşakça birisi evde ortalığı karıştırırken 2 adet Placebo-Soulmates... konser dvd'si sahibi olduğumu farkettim. Zamanında sipariş verip gelmeyince başka yerden almış, sonra ilk sipariş gelince, paylaşmayı çok seven bir adam olduğumdan 2'si de bende kalmıştı.

 Akla düşen başa düşer düsturu ile 2 gündür loop oldu Sleeping with Ghosts. Zor şey değil mi hayaletlerle uyumak, yani öyle olmalı, uyumuşluğumuz yok da, herhalde mecbur kalsak bize de yatak arkadaşı Casper düşmez.

SWG'nin bir de spesiyal edisyon cover eki vardı, o da akla zarardır. Molko'cuk albüm için buyurmuş ki:
1.I'm looking back to what's happened in my past emotional decade, trying to understand it. Trying to exorcise the ghosts and the demons of relationships past. It's the old cliché of it being therapeutic but it does work for me in that way.
2.The album title's about carrying the ghosts of your relationships with you, to the point where sometimes a smell or a situation or an item of clothing they bought brings a person back. For me it's about the relationship that you have with your memories. They inhabit your dreams sometimes. There can be a lot in the future that's gonna remind you of the ghost of relationships past. So I see the album as a collection of short stories about a handful of relationships. Most of them mine. In a way writing the songs helps me to get a lot of the nasty feelings off my chest and put them in a box, and therefore have a bit more of an objective discourse with those emotions because you've done something positive with them, you've rid yourself of them.

Yani: Olay geçen hafta bahsettiğim, adam öldürme konusuna geliyor. Canlandırmadan öldüremezsin hayaletleri, önce bir alaksın, uyuyacaksın sonra...

Benim favorim bu albümden budur. Tabi Molko'nun dediklerine bakınca alabildiğine absürd ama, öyle değil işte. Hikayenin sonunda ne yazık ki hayaletlerin ölmeme sebebi ile yüzleşirsin

Come on Balthazar I refuse to let you die
Come on fallen star I refuse to let you die
Cos that's wrong and I've been waiting far too long
It's wrong,and I've been waiting far too long
For you to be-hee ..be-hee ..be-hee ..be mine
For you to be mine ..be mine ..for you to be mine
And it's wrong, I've been waiting far too long
It's wrong, I've been waiting far too long
For you to be-he.. be-hee ..be-hee ..be-hee

All the centrefolds that you can't afford

Have long since waved their last goodbyes
All the centrefolds that you can't afford
You've long since faded from their eyes
So be-hee ..be mine
Bak Spike-Buffy ikilisine ne güzel uymuş şarkı, garibim Spike, çipli Spike

Son olarak Johnny Cash'e de selam olsun,  tabi ki NIN'e de

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